Since 2018, we have have connected 649 veterans across four cities in the United States. 

Our Mission

A 501(c)3 Veteran created and operated community. We empower post 9/11 veterans to continue contributing to their communities by providing a formalized network of people with shared experiences and strengthening the pipeline for those who follow behind us. Together we continue to serve our country as both veterans and professionals, sharing our leadership experience to positively influence our communities and organizations.

Our Goals

Founded in 2018, the Veteran Leadership Development Group (VLDG) strives to be the foremost professional network for post-9/11 veterans. To achieve this mission, VLDG aims to:

  • Create a nationally-led, locally-sustained network of post-9/11 veterans serving in the private, public, and non-profit sectors.

  • Connect post-9/11 veterans from different industries and backgrounds to facilitate diverse and resilient professional networks of veterans.

  • Elevate the profile of post-9/11 veterans with exceptional professional potential throughout their transition and beyond to support their continued success.

  • Serve our communities by facilitating meaningful and enduring relationships between post-9/11 veterans and leaders across industries.

“The most important thing I learned is that soldiers watch what their leaders do. You can give them classes and lecture them forever, but it is your personal example they will follow.”
— General Colin Powell